Friday, 31 August 2007

A Princey Weekend

I'm sitting here overdosing on Prince music and I'm seeing him again tomorrow night/tonight and Saturday night too. I'm going with Jen on Friday which will be a lot of fun as it will be her first Prince concert and it will be fun to see her reaction to the show. Again, I will be saying a decade of the Rosary so that he will perform "Gold". I think I would melt into a puddle of tears if he did that. I also be going to another aftershow party after the Saturday show and hopefully this time I'll have much more energy and be less stressed and be able to enjoy the show and won't miss out by slumping against a pillar at the back for most of the night. Listening to the show with my head in my hands wasn't bad but I imagine it would have been much more fun seeing Mr Nelson funk his way around the stage all night in his orange feather hat.

I'm also pondering whether or not I should get a digital camera this weekend. It would be very useful to have but I'm just too gutless to spend that much amount of money in one go. Plus I'd have to use some of my savings fund and I quite like the thought of having that money and not touching it. But then that isn't very fun is it? Then again, I could also use that money to pay for a month's membership at Bikram yoga which would also be useful, but I'd had nothing to show for spending that money apart from my health and a hot bod. Which do I want more? Hot body or apparatus that takes pics of my current flabby body....

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