Tuesday 3 July 2007


It says a lot about me that I set myself a deadline to complete some work by lunchtime and instead of completing it, I've lost interested and am now blogging instead. I'm astounded that it's now July. It seems like only 5 days ago I wrote the previous entry and everything still stands. Still busy, which is always a good thing.

Nothing huge to report at the moment. The days pass and llife keeps on chugging away. To recap: Fi, Ellie and I went to see Aerosmith on the 24th and despite standing for hours, having 7 foot loons push in front of us and getting very very dirty, a good time was had by all. We discovered a new(ish) rock band called The Answer and I had the pleasurable experience of using an anti-bacterial handwash cream in place of a wash-hand basin in the portable loos.

On Friday, I took to the stage at a fundraiser for one of my plays and due to the music being played at the wrong time, me & my fellow dancers all started to dance at the wrong time whcih completely threw us and a once polished, sexy routine becames an amusing, confused shambles. My concentration on stage was hindered by constantly glancing down to make sure I hadn't popped out for my corset. I didn't at any time but for the main performances I shall be bringing out the toupee tape/pasties/sticky plasters etc. in force for peace of mind.

Me and Ellie spent a very rainly Saturday at the edge of Trafalgar Square watching the Pride celebrations. We braved the elements for performances from Darren Hayes (LOVING his new single) and Kerry Ellis (playing Elphaba in Wicked). Straight after this we went our seperate ways towards our home to dry out, and for me to indulge myself in the Doctor Who finale.
I could go on and on about what I've filled my days with but I'll save that for another blog entry. In case you're curious, the work I had do to by lunchtime, I completed near 6pm. Who wouldn't want to hire me?! ;-)

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