Wednesday 28 May 2008

Em Breve

Job going okay. Set build for the play I'm (assistant) stage managing this weekend, I assume I'll have more stage manager duties as it's gets closer to opening night. Have had the first rehearsal for the play I'm acting it. I'm not doing a lot. Spent the weekend helping my friend audition people for his musical and watching Eurovision. I like the pirates, the angel vs. devil song and the Greece entry. Greece should have won. Didn't sleep much at the weekend and I'm still knackered. Feeling weird today and I'm trying not too. I hate emotions. Got the shoes I wanted today.

Friday 23 May 2008

Some Things Change

Okay, so things aren't as bad as I made them out to be in the previous post. Yes, I'm still despairing about something in particular and I'm too scared to look at my bank statement to see how little money I have after being out of work for 4 weeks... but there have been some improvements.

I started the new job on Wednesday which is a relief! It's nothing special, it seems to involve organising a lot of meetings and interviews which doesn't thrill me but I'm happy enough to do it for a short while and maybe look for something else after July/August. I'm just glad to be EARNING again.

After I left the internet cafe on Sunday I received a voicemail from the director of the play I tired out for offering me a part. It's a very small part but I'm still happy to do it. Especially as most of the parts went to friends whom I've worked with before so this should be good fun. It'll be a nice way to spend July. I want to get cast in a bigger, chunkier role in something soon so I'm still having a look around for future production and hopefully something will come up.

I've discovered a new shop close to my new job that I love ( and as soon as I have the money I'm going to shop 'til I drop in there. It's hella cute! I already spotted a cute pair of pumps that I wanted but when I went back after to purchase them I found out the some WHORESLUTWENCH had beaten me to it. I was dismayed. But not for long. The lovely staff phoned around and found another branch that stocked them in my size. I'm just waiting for the call to go pick them up. Lovely.

I really want my computer fixed. There's so much I want to do.

Sunday 18 May 2008

Make It End!!!

In such a weird mood at the moment. Tired, groggy, annoyed, frustrated, upset etc. etc. I want to start working (even though the job doesn't thrill me) so I can begin to make money again and relax and begin to sort out my finances. I didn't hear back about the audition I had on Thursday so that wasn't sucessful. Need to start working out again because I've gained some weight and don't feel good about it. I know it'll all pass in time but that doesn't help me right now.

It hasn't been an entirely crap weekend. I went to see a really good stand-up comedian on Friday night, met Idina Menzel yesterday at a CD singing (but my camera ran out of battery power so I couldn't get pics) and saw a fun burlesque show last night. I'm going home soo to watch TV and stuff myself with curry and other fun foods. Monday is the start of a new week and I guess anything can happen.

Wednesday 14 May 2008


I went to see Chess - In Concert at the Royal Albert Hall last night starring one of my favourites, Idina Menzel. The songs were great, the music amazing and the vocal performances were powerful.... there was just one problem. The acoustics in RAH were so bad that I couldn't make out 90% of what the cast were singing/saying. This isn't the first time it's happened. The Darren Hayes concert in October was a great show, great concept, great effects but let down by lack of clarity with the vocal. RAH - sort it out!

I still managed to enjoy the show. I quickly went over Act 1 with my friend who knows it well in the interval to make sure I had the right idea about the storyline. Great to see Idina again (going to another CD signing on Saturday) and great to see Josh Groban perform and Adam Pascal (the Renthead in me) too.

Makes me wanna sing again!

Almost A Working Girl Again

So I kinda, almost have a new job now. After what happened with the last job offer I'm not confirming it until I walk into reception on Monday morning and get my ID badge. It's not the job of my dreams and it's in a new location (so I have to search for a new gym/yoga studio/beauty salon) which is annoying but it's money and it's better to have anything right now than nothing. (I've also been put forward for a job that pays more so fingers crossed I get that one and can do some payrate bartering with New Job) Now I can begin to sort out my life. I've done nothing on the list below, and it's getting on my nerves now. I can feel the chubbiness creep back on. I need to get my Run on.

In the meantime I'm doing a 1 day job at a design company tomorrow. They want my Powerpoint skills. Hilarious, because although I always do really well on job agency's compentency tests, I've not used it that much in my working life and I'm worried that they're expecting some presentations whizz-kid to come in and hammer something out in a flash. I've got a Teach Yourself Powerpoint book at home so shall have a look at that tonight and try to cram as much knowledge in as possible.

This keyboard sucks and this internet cafe is so dirty. I'll be reaching for the Wet Ones as soon as I leave.

Monday 12 May 2008

I'm In An Internet Cafe

My computer died on Thursday so now I have to use an internet cafe until:
a) I fix the computer (somehow)
b) Buy a new one (even though I have no job = no money)

Not much else has changed. Trying to stay positive and this cute little cafe is helping slightly. It's in a subway connect to a tubestation so I've have underground. It's also not a smally or dirty s the big random internet cafe on Charing Cross Road.

Right, the're closing soon so I need to print out some job stuff (interview tomoz) and log off.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

I Want To...

(in the next few months)
  • Lose a stone
  • Cut my hair short
  • Go to the beach
  • Decorate the flat
  • Sort out finances
  • Buy new funky clothes
  • Tan my legs
  • Run a couple of 10Ks

No Change

Still no word of a new job. Everything is slow and quiet at the moment in the job market so it's taking extra long to find something. So frustrating. I hate putting my life on hold while I jobhunt.

Apart from that non-update there's not much else going on. Need to get back to running on a more regular basis. I've got a Prince concert next month that I need to look hot for! ;-)