Monday 17 March 2008

Another New Focus

This morning, while I was brushing my teeth, I decided that I am going to write a play. It sounds like such a simple decision to have made but carrying out the task in hand will be very interesting/difficult. I've been thinking a lot about doing some writing in recent months inspired by attending rehearsed readings of my friend's plays and taking part in the the "home-made" musical recently and meeting aspiring writers through that. I used to write in my early teens and then I stopped. I think that's when I tried to become a songwriter so my focus changed.

I decided to be more commited to reading books as I believed that "ingesting" new words would help me become a better writer. I'm still trying to commit fully to this but I'm getting there. I've started reading 4 books since the start of the year so now I am forcing myself to stick to one at a time and to not start/buy anymore books until that one is finished. It didn't work, I bought another 3 on Friday but I can always try again. This pretty much sums me up. Always flitting between a couple of projects, never pausing on one long enough. Then a new idea comes along and I get carried awy with that and other things in my life are set aside and then maybe I come back to them later. Now it's happening again.

So this morning as I was getting ready for work I was thinking about one of my theatre groups and how the writing stages of the next play we are producing are almost completed (by the woman who was the make-up artist on our last show) and the idea just came to me. Why not write something for the group to consider as a third production? I am a creative person and I must be able to dig deep and come up with a funny, quirky and smart little play, re-write it, present it to the group and even if it's not chosen to be a future production, it's still mine. All mine. So this goes onto the mental "Things To Do In 2008" list. Now all I need is an idea to get started with.....


Unknown said...

... reading is an important part of every writer's life.

You might want to consider joining the 30-day challenge that is holding in April ... the challenge is to write 100 pages of script in April. You should be able to find some ideas and support at their website. Hope to see you there. Good luck with your play!

Bill Frederick
How to Write a Play

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