Saturday 20 December 2008

Home For Christmas

I'm still being stalked by a nasty, rattling cough but beginning to feel better elsewhere which is good. I'm leaving soon for the 11 hour bus journey to Scotland (then getting the ferry across the Irish Sea) so this is it until I come back next weekend. could update at home when there's a quiet moment but that's rare with my huge, crazy family.

Ahhhh... food, sleep and more food. Despite the crazies at home, I can't wait to get back for this.

1 comment:

LJ said...

Aye, I used to really like going back for Christmas too. For all your family get right on your tits (and not in a good way) there's something really nice and relaxing aboiyte it. Hope you have a lovely time and that you get online / text occasionall-eh. Am working all this week and want to DIEYE.