Another show over. This one went well but I was only onstage for 5-10 minutes so not much chance of messing up. Even the girl-on-girl snog went well and I enjoyed hearing the audience's reaction to that every night. After the final show and Get-Out we began the aftershow party which turned into another all-nighter full of left-over party food and dancing to every genre of music possible. After a 3am snooze (see below) I got a second wind and returned to some energetic dancing (including the now famous, in my world, Jumping Boob Thrust Dance. I may make a video of that someday) and teadrinking. Rock on.

Me and a friend eventually left the theatre at at 12noon the next day. One of the cast members passed out on the sofa and we couldn't wake her at 8am so we snoozed on the sofas with her until she felt awake and sober anough to get home. We're nice like that!
On my way home I dropped into Drop-In Reiki. I always see this advertised at the start of every month but never get aroudn to checking it out. However after all my recent health problem and a flare-up in my bad eye on Thursday (got it checked out, no infection coming back and got some drops to help keep my cornea moist) I wanted to give it a go and see what it could do. I left the session feeling quite chilled and noticed that my sensitivity to the light in the clinic hallway had decreased. It was also nice to talk through recent events with the therapist and she gave me some advice to help with my eye. I think I'll give this a go next month again, at the very least it's relaxing and that's not a bad thing.
The therapist advised me to get an eyepatch to help with the
photophobia and general eye recovery so I got one yesterday. I'm wearing it now as I type, feeling quite piratey, and I wore it all day yesterday (when indoors) and got lots of sleep. The eye is looking better for it (and for the ibuprofen I'm taking too?) so I shall continue to do so for a while. Arrrrrrr!
In among the job hunting (I might be starting an alrightish, not great paid job soon but still waiting the outcome on some applications so it's better than nothing) I'm preparing for my next show. It's a one-off show atthe end of the month, based on a play which I was a dancer in last year. A friend booked the venue so we had to think of something to fill it with asap so the writer is re-wrtiting one of her old plays to suit. I'll be getting the corset, fishnet and hotpants out again as I'll be playing a stripper (NO nudity!) and we will have very little time to learn our lines (haven't received the new script yet) and only 3 rehearsals. Sounds rushed (it is!) and stressful but I like that. It'll also count as a professional production which will be great to stick on the ol' (performing) CV and just to say out loud. Go me.
Life may be rubbish in some areas but it's looking not too shabby in others. Hurrah!