Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Getting Back To It All

We finally have internet in the flat. We've had it for about 5 days now but I still can't get it on my own computer yet so I am couching over Ellie's mac at the moment. We order some thing (techie speak there) to plug into my PC and hopefully onc that is done I should be able to pick up the wireless connection.

I'm hoping I can start to get things back on track now. There's so much to do and sort out with finding work and money etc. I also have an onslaught of emotional stuff to deal with and I've just felt worn out this past month. I'm making someplans in my mind. I'm considering starting a new blog, a better blog maybe (I've recently discovered my friend Jess's blog and it is way more interesting and fun to look at than mine!) and I'm also considering doing some volunteering to stop me from going crazy with boredom in my jobless state. Can't sit indoors wallowing all day long. I need to get active again.

It's a start at least....

1 comment:

LJ said...

Volunteering's a really good idea, for all the reasons you said.

It's bizarre how something like not having a job - which is, ok, a fairly major thing - can affect everything else about you too. It really does play mind games with you, you start doubting everything. I know this sounds incredibly trite, but it really won't be forever. You'll get back to that old 9-5 routine soon, and you'll get yourself back with it.

If you need / want to talk about any of the other stuff, I'm here :)

Oh, Mel. Make it end.