Sunday, 11 January 2009


What does one do for fun when money is short? Go into various clothes shops, with a good friend, during the January sales and take the piss out of all the hideous clothing and jewellery that we're expected to buy. Be loud. Lack of discreetion is part of the fun. How I wish I'd taken a photo of the hideous, tacky and plastic jewellery in one shop. Also walk down a busy street and proclaim loudly "How does a mermaid take a poo?" for all to hear. Unfortunately no one on Oxford Street could answer my question.

And that was my Saturday evening. I also saw this which was brill. I love my friends. They are a bunch of fruitloops like me. I have L.J. on email getting me through the work week with her cut-throat one-liners and insults and Ellie at weekends who always laughs at my randomness because she knows the obscure Michael Jackson fan/Saturday Night Live reference behind it. I finding everyone's company pleasurable at the moment. Maybe we're all trying harder because it's January and therefore a depressing time for most so we're putting our best face forward.

Tomorrow, after attending a playreading, I will be dining with another great friend and catching-up lots with her. I expect to draw up another plan to take over the world with as what usually happens when the two of us meet up and are both in good moods. I'm really hoping this enthusiasm for "Life in 2009" lasts throughout this year. I expect it to wear off once we have all fully settled back into life after the holiday season and realised that very little has changed. Maybe I should blog about it as much as possible now to read back on once I think life is being less than spectactular. I need hope this year and lots of it.

1 comment:

LJ said...

What a lovely entry :) I'm glad you're feeling positive. For a few reasons 2008 sucked, and this year is going to be magical and wonderful for us all.


We shall change the world Mel. Oh yes we shall. :)