Wednesday 21 January 2009

The President Obama Blog

I'm a day late but are you surprised? It's quite amazing and touching seeing the world's reaction to this event (the inaugauration) and it's a shame I've been too busy to take it all in properly. I need to YouTube some vids of his speech and swearing in etc.

Right now I'm concentrating lots of moving out. I've made a start sorting through some of the rubbish in the flat and I'm looking a new places to live. I was very inspired after staying over at a friends place and liking her set-up so hopefully I can find something similiar. Once I've moved and settled I can begin to focus on other things, mainly having a social life, dating (no one in particular at the moment) and honing my, currently unimpressive, singing skills.

I finally made it back to Bikram yoga. which was tough, but worth it. I've cut down on the amount of crap I usually eat this week and while staying at my friend's house I discovered a tasty, healthy muesli that even *I* can easily make. I'm hoping that incorporating small changes to my routine will all mount up and benefit me in the long run. I'm determined to get healthy this year. No more colds, flu and hospital stays.

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