Wednesday, 8 April 2009

BEDA Day Eight: Too Tired To Care

Oh my God, I am so tired and can't think and am in no fit state to write something. I was going to out-angst L.J. but I don't have the energy. Like her, I need to sort myself out big time. Roll on the Bank Holiday weekend when I can sleep, eat and sleep some more.

I'm not going to worry too much about the job when I take it over properly next week. I have been told that if in doubt about anything, talk to the recruiters. I get the feeling I will be firing lots of questions their way in the next few weeks. Oh well, it it makes life a little bit easier then hooray.

Right, I'm off to have a cup of tea, a bath and to tidy the flat. I want to sleeeeeeeep.

1 comment:

LJ said...


Why, Imelda, WHYYYY???