Friday, 3 April 2009

BEDA Day Three: Party!

It's very late (early morning) but thought it best to blog now as I might not get the chance to blog later in the day. I shall be spending most of my life in New Job and then afterwards I have a friend's birthday celebrations in the evening and we shall probably party well into the night. Or until I have to leave to catch the last tube home.

I still feel a bit down. I have to stop dwelling on certain things and look ahead now. I'm also not happy that I have to wake up early. I start my job at 8:30am which is just plain wrong. I'm probably going to get 5 hours sleep maximum tonight. Maybe I can programme my brain to think that hours is a reasonable amount of sleeping time.

Guten nacht!

1 comment:

notasecretagent said...

I just had to tell you that I love the name of your blog. :) Best of luck getting enough sleep tonight - I'm having a low-sleep week myself!