Thursday 2 April 2009

BEDA Day Two: Work & Progress

I have a job... back at the previous place I worked, in another department (HR). It's for about six weeks but it's better than nothing. This will give me by me more time to look for a longer term job or *gasp* one I might even like! It also means I can go ahead a move if I find a place I like. So hurrah, something are in the process of working out.

I went to my theatre's company's show last night and have had mixed feelings on whether or not I had a good time. It was great to see some former cast members and catch up with people, I even had a guy encouraging me to try for professional acting jobs too. The downside of the night was being reminded the the part(s) I missed out on and how some people (friends included) doubt my abilities, even though they should know better.

There's nothing I can do now. In two days the show will have completed it's run and be consigned to theatre history. All I can do is take more classes, get better and get better parts. Now I am working again I can hopefully start taking singing lessons again so I'm excited about that. Hurrah. Mel For The X-Factor 2009 Win!

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