I rolled in at 4am last night. Went to bed at 5am, slept until 1:30pm woke up, surfed the net then fell back asleep. It's 9pm, I've just been to the shops to get food and coca-cola and now I'm ready to function properly.
I had a lot of fun at the birthday party last night although I probably should have gone home earlier. There was flirting, scandalous photos and most shocking of all, a SENSIBLE conversation with the birthday girl's brother. We also amused ourselves by stick glittery stars over our faces. Look how pretty they made me:

So I've done nothing today and I feel a bit crap & lazy about it. I went to the supermarket and bought pizza, Haribo and fizzy drinks and on the way back decided that I really MUST eat better and lose weight soon... but not tonight. I met up with my friend Jess earlier this week and we promised to take part in some runs, I'd like to say it has motivated me to exercise again but it hasn't. I will start running again... but not tonight.
Maybe I'll start tomorrow.
Pizza, coke and Haribo equals hello cancer and other degenerative disaeases.
I know how easy it is to slip into bad eating habits when life/work etc is particularly dumpy but food is one thing you can control relatively easily if you put the effort in and eating more fresh foods will make you feel less knackered and shitty in general and less ill. Often it's so much easier and temporarily nicer to just say fuck it and go buy some junk to scoff but the compounded effects of eating crap for days or weeks just make everything suck more.
Wahhhhh!!! Scary. I know. I used to eat quite good for a while. Need to start again. I definitely have to cut down on fizzy drinks for starters.
I should get the money to go back to Bikram yoga. That always makes me feel that "my body is a temple" and I eat better.
The thing is, it can be incredibly cheap to eat healthily. You can buy masses of fruit and veg from a local shop for quids and make enough food to refrigerate and freeze for weeks. Where it usually goes wrong for me is after a partiocularly gay day at work or otherwise it's difficult to summon the energy to do something creative like cooking. Much easier to eat crap and head to the bar.
I don't have a freezer to make and store food in. :-(
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