Monday, 28 December 2009
Month of Drama
Right in the middle of the run I got offered and started a job which was busy, hetic but well-pid so I got stuck in despite being exhausted from working all day and performing all night. However, it was not meant to be it seems. After 6 days of being there some senior managers decided to cancel my contract without having any understanding of what the job involves and how under-staffed and busy the team I worked for was/is. I'm still quite annoyed as I saw this as my chance to work steady somewhere and knuckle down, word hard, make a lot of money and sort myself out. But some people had other plans.
So I'm back at square one. No job, little money, and not much I can do to help the jobhunt t the minute as with being Christmas, it's all gone quiet. So I'm back home with the family (another drama, couldn't get home and ended up staying in London on Xmas Day and flying home on Boxing Day), I'm feeling so so so sooooo bored and could really do with a computer that can play sound and music. I really need to get my You Tube on and the laptop that has always been my lifeline when I visit home is awaiting repairs. Gahhhh!!!
And I'm not feeling well.
I'm so tragic!
Monday, 30 November 2009
Show Stuff
Quite preoccupied with my solo singing parts I have in the show. During rehearsal I get nervous and forget all technique AND i forget to breathe which is not helpful when one needs to use her vocal chords. Hoping I can master the art of continuing to sing in my chest voice despit the song sitting right on the break between my chest and head voice. Helpful! it is a wonderful song though and one I want to do well. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
And that's it from me. Without a job to do in the daytime and panto taking up all my free time there's not much room for anything else. I could talk about personal, personal stuff but I should draw the line somewhere. Don't know what I'd say anyway. Boys are confusing and battling my extreme self-doubt is boring. Onto the final month of this year!
Friday, 6 November 2009
Christmas Wishful Thinking
Fings Wot I'm Doing
On top of working I'm also keeping busy with rehearsals for a pantomine I'm performing in next month and getting organised for a play I'll be stage managing too on top of trying to maintain a full and active social life. It's all looking quite busy until December 19th. I was also offered a 2 day intern role in a small theatre company which would have be interesting and beneficial to do but that offer came on the day I started in my new office role meaning I was unable to accept the offer. Typical!
That more of less sums up the past week. October was quite packed and busy for someone who was out of work. I found stuff to do. From volunteering for brain research at a university to taking part and rehearsing for two shows were performed on the same night! How about that for a juggling act. I'm slowly getting back in touch with people I have been planning to catch up with for ages. It's actually proving to be very difficult. Not just me with the busy schedule it seems.
So that's a quick scribble bringing you up to date on various things. I have a job, I have a show to perform, one to stage manage too, I have friends, I have no money, I'm still not over MJ and I haven't seen This Is It in the cinema.
Friday, 28 August 2009
I've been spending my time on the internet and/or contemplating life and all that sails in her.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Before I Go
However, I'm off home tomorrow. To do bridemaid dress fitting things and Dad's secret birthday party things. It will be nice to have a break from the city I think. get home and get some fresh air, see my little 13 month old neice who's all grown up since the last time I saw her (at Christmas when she was 5.5 months). I've also had the idea come to me to go for a waddle down to the forest and lough near to where I live and soak up the natureness and stuff. Must pack some trainers then!
Maybe I can organise my thoughts better once I'm back.
(In a nutshell: Still out of work, still without a man, skinnier now, have done some acting work on camera, some photoshoots, lined up two plays to act in and preparing for some other possible shows in the near future too)
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Words I Like
LEO - July 24th - August 23rdPutting your heart into your work will have wonderful results. You're enormously
creative, and can develop new methods which are less expensive and more appealing. If you're looking for work, seek opportunities related to politics, architecture, or
banking. You could find just the sort of high profile job that brings out the best in
you. People respond well to your warm energy and attracting new clients and customers will make you popular with the boss.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Friday, 26 June 2009
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Blogging From Bed
I need to go out running. I went for a two mile run on Sunday and walked about half of it. i've got a 5k run in August and a 10k run in September to prepare for but my immediate goal is to run the whole 2 mile route without stopping to walk. I shall do it. Unfortunately I don't know if I even have the energy to drag my carcass to the supermarket later for some Beechams nevermind pounding the street of Saff London.
So for the time being I shall continue to lie in bed. Reading ("A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey) and waiting on a director or two to call me with the outcome of last night's auditions. I audition for two play (with the same theatre company) and there is one role in particular that I really want. It's a lead role and it will be tough to do but I think I can do it and I really want it. Trying to be positive but it doesn't help knowing that a former actress/current drama teachers auditioned after me. Not fair. If you're a professional actor then go audition for a professional production. Leave us amateurs to the amdram. Grrrr!
Tomorrow I'm havin a psychic reading done for a TV show. I have all this free time and can't afford to do anythign with it so I signed up for this recording. It's something do after all, which beats sitting in, being bored, losing the plot and obsessing about things I shouldn't obsess about.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Dancey Dancey
Anyway, I need to wake up in fours hours to shower, get ready and travel to the shooting of some viral. I have not idea what it's about. Something involving a free runner and apparently I'm going to be "right up in the middle of the action". It's something to do, innit?! So I should have not gone out (but I had too, my friend is going back to Australia to sort out her visa) but gone to bed early to I would be chipper in the morning and looking halfway decent. Not a chance now!
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Strange Survey
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?::
No. You sick fucker!
What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated?::
Nine years. In the end I was the more mature one despite my lack of experience and naiveness.
Ever been in a car wreck?::
Edit: I was in a bus crash. Well, a car drove into the back of the bus taking us to school. If that counts.
Were you popular in high school?::
I was well known to everyone but didn't have any close friends.
Have you ever been on a blind date?::
Are looks important?::
Of course. I'm lookist.
Do you have any friends that you've known for ten years or more??::
As of Summer 2008, yes!
Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?::
Not really. It's probably more the manner in which they sleep around which affects my view. If no one's getting hurt and they use protection then that's fine. But if they're playing with people's feelings and/or doing it bareback then that's another thing.
Are you a good tipper?::
Depends on the place and the service. I am a very good stripper.
What's the most you have spent for a haircut?::
£50 I think? I think I might have spent more having it straightened once but can't remember the cost.
Ohhh... spent £70 having it braided (with extensions). I'd like to do that again, but not have them as long this time.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?::
No. I think I appreciated my GCSE French teacher but never had a thundering crush on him.
Have you ever peed in public?::
Not since I was a child. I will have no problem peeing in public next time I run a marathon. I am not adding 15 minutes to my race time because I had to queue for a portaloo.
What song do you want played at your funeral?::
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. And an MJ song.
What would your last meal be before getting executed?::
Curry chips. Pizza.
Beatles or Stones?::
Stones. Don't like them that much but preferable to the Beatles.
Beer, wine or hard liquor?::
None of them really. I'm 99% teetotal.
Do you have any phobias?::
Death, water, oversized tube signs. Really really loud noises.
What are your plans for the future?::
Fuck knows. Do a job I like, be more creative.
Do you walk around the house naked?::
No. Didn't do it in my last flat where i lived by myself and I certainly don't do it now that I live with someone again.
Hair color you like on someone you're dating?::
I've no preference but the guys I've always been interested in/dated have had brown hair. Light brown more than dark brown.
Do you have any special talents?::
No. I'm crap.
What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?::
Go to the living room, throw myself down on a sofa and chat to Ellie who is very likely to be there.
Are you missing anyone?::
If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you do?::
Dunno. I have a big crush on Shakira but I don't think I want to do her.
Where do you want to live when you are old?::
Brazil, San Diego or somewhere else. Will depend on who I marry and grow old with.
Who is the person you can count on the most?::
My fwends.
What did you dream last night?::
I had crazy dreams but can't remember them. Earlier in the week I dreamt that I was pregnant.
Are you named after anyone?::
Blessed Imelda. She has never been made a Saint (yet).
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?::
Vodka Ice, Strawberry Daquari. The alcohol in those drinks isn't strong enough to make me gag. Champagne stinks but I like it because a little bit makes me very merry.
Non alcoholic drink?::
Coca Cola. Of coooooourse!
Have you ever been in love?::
Do you sing in the shower?::
No. But for a long time I took baths nad only showered at the gym. Now I live in a flat with a shower I might start doing that.
Have you ever been arrested?::
No but was kinda threatened of arrest by Constable Sawar outside MJ's hotel once for using bad language.
Would you ever get plastic surgery?::
Yes. I want to have the biggest boobs in the world.
10K September
That's a plan.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Getting Back To It All
I'm hoping I can start to get things back on track now. There's so much to do and sort out with finding work and money etc. I also have an onslaught of emotional stuff to deal with and I've just felt worn out this past month. I'm making someplans in my mind. I'm considering starting a new blog, a better blog maybe (I've recently discovered my friend Jess's blog and it is way more interesting and fun to look at than mine!) and I'm also considering doing some volunteering to stop me from going crazy with boredom in my jobless state. Can't sit indoors wallowing all day long. I need to get active again.
It's a start at least....
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Still Alive
If I don't get time to update before then I'll be back online on the 26th... providing that the phone company don't mess up further!
Monday, 27 April 2009
BEDA Day Twenty Seven: Tired
Sunday, 26 April 2009
BEDA Day 24, 25 & 26 - The Weekend
I came from on Friday night after some goodbye drinks with the people from my former department. Then plan was to make watch some TV, blog and make dinner. I got as far as watching TV. At some point during the Jonathan Ross show I nodded off and didn't wake until 3am. I decided it was probably best for me to continue sleeping and rest properly than blog.. and boil water for pasta while half-asleep.
The next way was jame packed with activites and not helped by my nearest tube line being down therefore making me late. It didn't matter too much though as everyone else was running late too. A small group of us went on a nature walk and took in the sights of North London's parks before dining in a Colombian resturant then (some of them) calling it a day. Me and New Friend (NF) then headed to the cinema to watch In The Loop. Some of it I didn't understand but it did have some very funny moments. Afterwards me and NF went back to my flat and I was tied up with hostessing duties....
...which continued into Sunday morning and afternoon until we parted and went to have lunch with a girlfriend completely missing out on doing anything marathon-related. We were both knackered so it was fairly uneventful but we had some nice food and a brief shopping trip in the chemist.
Now I'm getting ready to call it a day quite soon. I'm extremely tried as I didn't sleep well last night and I really need to catch up on some Zzzs in preparation for this week. I'm not looking forward to it. Wor will be hetic and tiring and we are still trying to iron out all the details of our new flat and contract before the supposed move date this Friday. Stress! Bring on the Bank Holiday weekend!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
BEDA Day Twenty Three: Almost There
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
BEDA Day Tweny One & Twenty Two: Bad Times
I shouldn't be in a good mood right now. And I'm not. Work is tiring and I have some arsey woman being quite unhelpful most of the time. The lettings agency is our new flat went quiet to us and now they're being awkward and requesting more info and we still haven't seen a contract and we're meant to be moving in 8 days! Finally today I was talking to a friend who is directing a play on email about a small part he was unable to cast. He told me that he was hoping me or another friend could do it so I told him I was interested and would like to do it. About an hour later he emailed back apologising but someone (who had auditioned unsucessfully for a main role) came back to him asking if she could play the small role and he gave the part to her. They part he wanted me to do. The part I said very clearly I could so. I am so pissed off.
So things are in a very strange place at the moment. I don't feel settled. My job is very temporary, I'm waiting to be told to move flats and I have no energy to pursue any of the interests that make up me. Can't it be May already?
Monday, 20 April 2009
BEDA Day Twenty: Sorry!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
BEDA day Eighteen & Nineteen: Unexpected
I went to a playreading last night at a friends house which turned into a mini party with is wailing on Singstar until late and I ended up staying the night. I befriend one of the guys at the playreading/party and in the morn I went back to his house where there was a Goodbye Breakfast for one of his housemates leaving today to travel. The rest of the day was spent there eating, watching TV and listening to Prince songs. Among other things.
So now I'm finally back and need to have a quick wash and hit the sack. Got my first 5 day work week in almost 2 months. Tiring!
Friday, 17 April 2009
BEDA Day Seventeen: Now It Gets Interesting
Translation: I have an L.J. staying over and it's hella fun. We have ate pizza and queefed and creamed over Hugh Jackman on the Jonathan Ross show. We also do a wicked Lady Gaga impression even though she's a humourless, miserable twonk! We compiled a list of celebrity buhbuies that are cute.
Junior Andre
Jayden Spears
Shiloh Pitt
Kingston Rosdale
Suri Cruise (L.J. wants this one)
Violet Affleck
Romeo Backham
We danced to a guy's ringtone on the bus home, went to Sainsburys, talked louldy about getting chlamydia screening in the Sainburys pharmacy. But it had closed.
Now I'm schleeeepy.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
BEDA Day Sixteen: So Sleepy
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
BEDA Day Fiveteen: Is It Getting Better?
Work went a little better today than yesterday. Yesterday wasn't going too bad until 5:25pm when I realised that I hadn't faxed on something I was supposed to earlier. I don't have my digifax number yet so I faxed it to a collegue's email with the intention of having her forward the PDF to me so I could forward it on to someone else (that's a non-longwinded way of getting things done!). Oh course I got distracted with all the other stuff I have to do and forgot to completed the progress. So the recruiter who originally requested this got pissed off and shouted at me in front of everyone in the office (and the I.T. helpdesk who I was on the phone too at the same time) making it a very embarassing and uncomfortable scene. How rude!
Still, today was a bit better. It's tiring though and the other recruiter makes me feels like an idiot when I double-check things with her so I have a clue about what's going on. I've resolved to support the HRBP's as best I can so they love me and think I'm fab despite what the arsey recruiters think. That's the plan and I've only got to stick to it for a few weeks.
In the meantime, me & Ellie had 3 flat viewings and two of them were very good. We're now pondering which one to settle on and pursue. Help!
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Monday, 13 April 2009
BEDA Day Thirteen: Gearing Up For The Week Ahead
I have to remember that the role's only for about 6 weeks so I just need to drag myself through the next month and then it will become a distant memory. Hopefully I'll find another job to go straight into so I'm not stressing about work and money again. I know the ecomony's in the shitter at the moment but would it hurt to give me a nice, chunky job contract 6+ months?
I should be grateful that it's another 4 day week this week. Not long for the next weekend and have plenty planned for that. This weekend was a lot of fun if you ignore the non-existent transport system. Apart from my two trips out to Zone 6 to see Rent, I was well-fed yesterday by friends and watched loads lof films last night before having a good old girlie chat. More of the same please.
Wish me luck for tomorrow.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
BEDA Day Twelve: Chocolate Time!
I wonder if the shops have put their Easter eggs on sale now.
See you tomorrow!
Saturday, 11 April 2009
BEDA Day Eleven: No Day But Today 2
One the train home from the theatre I got into quite a serious and honest conversation with my friend. I won't go into too much details but it did involved headspace and future plans leaving me with some deep thorts to think about. Tiring isn't it? Made even more tiring but not having any proper sleep for the past 10 days so I can't process my thoughts properly. I haven't had the chance to catch up this week as I've had to get up and about to get things done. it doesn't always go according to plan.The flat viewing we had today and was rescheduled and then cancelled and we're now trying to reschedule for next week. I bet the agent had a heavy night and just couldn't be bothered leaving the house. Boo!
Friday, 10 April 2009
BEDA Day Ten: No Day But Today
The plan was to return to my flat and stay there as we have a flat viewing in the morning, however London's transport system is more of less non-exisitent making it difficult to get anywhere this weekend. Getting out to the theatre this evening was a long slog. On the way back we missed a train and would have ended up waiting 30 for a 1 hour train journey followed by another hour on the night bus so we gave up and made our way to Ellie's place which is much closer.
So time to round up and be a good little houseguest. Hope the flatviewing goes well tomorrow. Eeee!
Thursday, 9 April 2009
BEDA Day Nine: Oh I Really Can't Be Arsed!
Went to work. Had mini chocolate eggs hidden around my desk. Learnt more of the job. Went to friend's birthday drinks. Everyone was dressed all trendy and I was in my work clothes. Not that I mattered. I didn't stay too long. Went home via Sainsburys.
I now have a chocolate caramel cake to devour.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
BEDA Day Eight: Too Tired To Care
I'm not going to worry too much about the job when I take it over properly next week. I have been told that if in doubt about anything, talk to the recruiters. I get the feeling I will be firing lots of questions their way in the next few weeks. Oh well, it it makes life a little bit easier then hooray.
Right, I'm off to have a cup of tea, a bath and to tidy the flat. I want to sleeeeeeeep.
Beda Day Seven: Happy Now?
Work sucks. I still have no idea how to log these CVs and I don't understand the fancy schmancy financial job title jargon enough to make an educated guess where I should log CVs and what levels/areas I should place them in. It's scary to think that in a couple of weeks I'll have too train the next new person on this. I must schedule some last-minute cramming in the next day or two before my colleague disappears forever. Help!
I spent my evening at the play read-through and I'm unsure what to do and audition for. The director (and good friend) has a couple of people in mind to audition for the role I'm interested in and made not mention of WANTING me to audition, when he's blantently demand that others audition in front of me. I'm thinking of not pursuing an acting role in this production and take up a dancer role on the show. The next dilemma is deciding if a dancing role is worth giving up the opening night of Michael Jackson's concert run. I don't have a ticket for that night but you never know. I might get one, somewhere, somehow.
I'm so confused about everything right now. Is there anything I'm good at?
I'm so confused
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
BEDA Day Seven: It's Called Acting Dahling!
Shakespeare. Yikes! I don't have a clue if I can do it or not. This will be interesting.
Monday, 6 April 2009
BEDA Day Six: Overwhelming Feelings of Meh-ness
Still, it's better than having no job and it's only temporary. Hopefully I all I get asked to do for the next six weeks is to write reference letters to allow employees to open a bank account. That I can do.
I'm still in a funny mood despite chatting to L.J. (online) and Conrado (over the phone) last night. Don't know what's wrong with me. Something needs to change.
(Some of you may notice that it's past 12am. Well I don't care. I haven't been to bed yet so it's still the same day for me. And look at the blog post time below. Anyway, I was off washing myself. Would you rather I stink?)
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Saturday, 4 April 2009
BEDA Day Four: Recovery
I had a lot of fun at the birthday party last night although I probably should have gone home earlier. There was flirting, scandalous photos and most shocking of all, a SENSIBLE conversation with the birthday girl's brother. We also amused ourselves by stick glittery stars over our faces. Look how pretty they made me:
Maybe I'll start tomorrow.
Friday, 3 April 2009
BEDA Day Three: Party!
I still feel a bit down. I have to stop dwelling on certain things and look ahead now. I'm also not happy that I have to wake up early. I start my job at 8:30am which is just plain wrong. I'm probably going to get 5 hours sleep maximum tonight. Maybe I can programme my brain to think that hours is a reasonable amount of sleeping time.
Guten nacht!
Thursday, 2 April 2009
BEDA Day Two: Work & Progress
I went to my theatre's company's show last night and have had mixed feelings on whether or not I had a good time. It was great to see some former cast members and catch up with people, I even had a guy encouraging me to try for professional acting jobs too. The downside of the night was being reminded the the part(s) I missed out on and how some people (friends included) doubt my abilities, even though they should know better.
There's nothing I can do now. In two days the show will have completed it's run and be consigned to theatre history. All I can do is take more classes, get better and get better parts. Now I am working again I can hopefully start taking singing lessons again so I'm excited about that. Hurrah. Mel For The X-Factor 2009 Win!
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
BEDA Day One: The Beginning
So, it's very early in the morning (12:30am) and not much to report about the day and we're only half an hour into it. I assume that I'll spend the day doing nothing execpt jobhunt on the internet and watching rubbish daytime TV. My evening looks to be a bit better. I'll be going to see a musical put on by my theatre company. This is the musical that I was offered a rubbish, made-up part in but I'm not petty and I shall support their production even though they have overlooked my loyalty and performing abilities. Plus, it is also the birthday of a friend who will be working on the bar at tonight's performance so a group of us will be there to sing Happy Birthday to her no doubt.
Hurrah! Something to do.
Monday, 30 March 2009
I'm So Alone!
- I have no job, have been looking for aaaaaages but no luck (although I do have an interview for a short-term role tomorrow)
- I have no money
- I life in a cold, ugly flat with scary, violent neighbours and close to a guy who follows me
- I'm chubby
- I have a scarred left eye and can't see out of it and will need to have a cornea transplant to fix it and when I think about it I realise how scary it's going to be.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
I went to a friend's funeral on Friday morning and it was incredibly moving. I blubbed lots like the over-emotional empath that I am and just as I had composed myself "Will You Be There" came on as the coffin was being carried out of the church, which set me off again. Sometimes I really need to get a grip. We then attended the burial and the reception afterwards. The rest of the day was spent in a Costa Coffee stretching one drink each over four hours. How poor, starving artist of us (except we're not!).
Saturday was spent sleeping until I managed to drag myself out of the sleeping bag in front of the TV and trek over to a friend's house for dinner and a DVD. I then made the mistake of staying too late and having to make my way home at midnight when my tube line was suspended and trains had stopped for the day. It took a good 2.5 hours. Sometimes I hate London, why is transport so pathethic on a Saturday night? Sort it out!
As for today, I'm still in my dressing gown. I haven't gone outside. I've slept loads, watched TV. I really want chocolate but can't be bothered making walking to the shop on the main road. I have felt wrecked this weekend, probably not helped by having 3 hours sleep on Thursday night followed by an emotional day. And eating crap too. I watched footage on the news earlier about a half-marathon that took place today and it reminded me how I need to sort myself out and start running again.
Now I have a choice to make. Should I eat or should I snooze again?
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Venturing Out
However I will be glad of the excuse to get out of the flat and out of my local area and mix with people. I've done nothing and seen no one these past couple of days and it's slowly doing my head in. Later I'll be attending a "Speed Flatmating" event with a girl we went to the theatre with on Saturday and has recently moved to London. Not sure if there'll be too many whole (2 bed) flats on offer there tonight but it can't hurt to look. I definitley need to find a place that's located near a tube line. I'm tired of trekking in and out to my flat and sometimes it's easier just to stay in and be a loner than to make the effort to get out.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
No Change
That's probably been the highlight/most excitement I've had in these past few weeks. Apart from all the MJ palavar and tv & radio interviews. Looking forward to getting work, finding a new place to live and getting back to my manic, busy life. It can't come soon enough.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Sunday, 15 March 2009
And that sums up the week I've had. Not much else to say.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Radio Mel-Mel
I stayed in Friday daytime making up for the tiring and hugry day before then went out in the evening to go to the cinema with Ellie. Afterwards we decided to walk to Covent Garden as we heard tha Michael was watching "Oliver" that night. We didn't stay too long as we weren't prepared to wait 2.5 hours for the show to finish and for Michael to reappear. I did however use this time to schedule another interview, this time for LBC radio for the following day.
On Saturday we paid another trip to the cinema (to see The Young Victoria - very nice!) before dashing home to await a phonecall from the radio station to put me on air. I knew this might be a tougher interview than the BBC one as the presenter had made it clear to me that he didn't rate post-8o's MJ that much, so I boned up on facts and figures to support my points beforehand. It's wasn't too bad actually. Yes the presenter made some negative comments but he wasn't nasty about it and gave me time to get my points across and agreed with some things I said. Apparently the people in the studio seemed impressed with what I said and one woman on their team saying that I should become MJ's spokesperson. Ummm.. yes please!
I spent Saturday evening doing something non-Mj related: playing this game at a friend's house. Which was a lot of fun. We carried on into the wee hours and I ended up snoozing on a friend's sofa until I had to leave in the morning to go home, change and go straight again to have lunch with a friend. Phew!
I'm feeling a bit better about myself and my abilities after the last few day. My friends have been very supportive of my interviews and given me praise where due. I have no pretty way of wrapping up this blog entry as I really need to log off and sleep so I'l just say goodnight now.
I need all the luck in the world for getting a ticket this week!
Thursday, 5 March 2009
The Fan Continued: Michael Jackson Live In Concert
After the quickest bath in history and sacrafising six of my precious pounds on a taxi (buses don't move fast enough for me) I arrived at the O2 and began the long wait with friends for Michael Jackson's press conference. We waited, and waited, talked shite for hours and got interviewed briefly by a local radio station. A moment I am quite proud of. After spend an hour or two moaning baout being bored of waiting and how I hate MJ and his fans, when the reporter asked me how excited I was at today's events I gave an oscar-worthy performance and responded that I was "...extremely excited. We just can't wait to see Michael Jackson and here his news!". I even got praised on my "perfomance" by another fan in the crowd.
We waited some more, got moved to another section of the foyer which was closer to the stage that MJ would eventually appear on, and waited some more. Finally, over an hour late, TV's Dermot O'Leary came on stage to anounce Michael's arrival completed with a jazzy compilation video:
Then Michael Jackson came onstage to defending noise and hysteria and when the audience eventually calmed down he delivered a short speech on his summer concerts (see below) and how they would be his last and he'll see us in July. And then he was off!
Thinking that was all the fun (if you can call standing for 6 hours with a pulled hamstring and backache and having not eaten at all today fun) I met up with my friends and was making plans for the evening when I was called by the BBC and invited to come to their studio to speak on the topic of MJ's concert. After encouragement from friends, me and another friend were in a laid-on car and on our way to the TV studio. The whole thing happened quite quickly. We were ushered into the green room then immediately into the TV studio and as soon as some VT was playing we were quickly shown our seats beside the newsreaders and mic-ed up. The interview wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and we didn't get too hard a time from the news readers.
Then it was over and we were shown out and put in a car to take us home. And that was the end of today's adventures. A couple of people recorded our interview so hopefully I should be able to upload it soon. Watch this space - the start of my TV career? :-p
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
The Fan Is Back
(30 mins later)
Just off the phone to Citz where we having been getting stupidly giddy about tomorrow's events. Can't believe we're all getting in my loony fan mode again. I'm sure we swore we'd never be like this again.
Until tomorrow... Eeeeeeee!!!
Friday, 27 February 2009
The End!
Before all that however, there's the weekend which is shaping up to be a busy one. I've got an audition tonight (dance), an extras casting tomorrow morning/afternoon followed by another audition (musical #1). On Sunday I have an audition for another musical (#2) and possible a callback in the afternoon if I performed well enough on Saturday in musical #1's audition. Fingers crossed something good comes out of all this. With the job ending, crazy neighbours, not being sucessful in other auditions etc. I think it's time something went my way. I have to make it happen!
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Letter That Your Name Begins With Questionaire
1. What is your name: Imelda
2. A four-letter word: Iris
3. A boy's name: Ian
4. A girl's name: Imogen
5. An occupation: Illustrator
6. A color: Indigo
7. Something you wear: Ice Hockey gear
8. A beverage: Iced Tea
9. A food: Iced Buns
10. Something found in the bathroom: Ingrown hairs?
11. A place: Iceland
12. A reason for being late: I was stuck in traffic.
13. Something you shout: Idiot!
This Way Up î
There's no word yet of a new job to start once my current job ends (on Friday) but I'm trying to not stress out too much about that. I have crazy neighbours that fight with eah other and threaten to commit suicide on my doorstep, yet another sign that I should move. I also went to another audition and despite getting a callback I eventually did not get the part. C'est la vie! I must remain positive despite everything.
I've found a couple of new projects I want to get involved in. Two of them are dance troupes which I will audition for in the upcoming weeks and the third is dance-related too. My friend is throwing a danceathon fundraising event in a couple of weeks and naturally I will be taking part, from helping with the organisation to dancing for hours on end on the night. It's going to be a fun, tiring and interesting evening. I'm hoping that by the time this takes place I will be settled in a new job, new place, ready to get stuck into another rehearsal process and feeling a lot more focused.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Despite this I'm going to be positive. I spent too much time stressed out last year and it just made me sick.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Saying No
I accepted the role because a couple of friends cast in the same parts wanted me to do it but after the first rehearsal it was clear that I was going to be wasted in a support role. I spent that evening shaking with anger as it became clear just how much I was fobbed off with this role and it clearly would not be worth my time playing it. In terms of talent there was clearly no difference between me and the lead female (except she has an authentic American accent and I "only" have a really good fake American accent) so I am left very confused at what the deciding factor was. The director himself knows (or should know) from his own personal experience that I am a loyal (to the show and the company), dependable and GOOD performer with energy & charisma on stage. That's the collective opinion of a group of people who had seen & worked with me so I do not have an over-inflated opinion of myself.
For the first time ever I STRONGLY had a lot of faith in myself and was confident I could carry off a lead role and excel at it. I'm extremely frustrated that people who should know me don't have the same faith in me. However I refuse to let that shoot down the little confidence I have built up in me. I've paid my dues to this company over the years and it hasn't paid off. I seems I will always be typecast in the small, support roles that no one else wants to do. I am now determined to move on from this and progress. I even went to an emergency audition for a role in another production (their lead female performer has gone awol) last night. I was a bit nervous which did affect some of my singing but pulled it together for the big crescendo, the harmonies and the acting part so although not 100% perfect, definitely not bad either. Worthy of a lead in YAGMCB for sure. Still waiting for the outcome of that audition and while it would be fantastic to get the part, it is a huge & demanding role so I understand if I didn't quite make the grade this time.
Final note: My friends have been amazing to me throughout all this. I hope I can show them the same support in their career/personal goals as they have shown me.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
White Outside, Black Inside
I had a weekend of let-downs and things not going to plan. I didn't get the part I wanted in the I auditioned for last week and have been feeling quite irritated since I learned of the outcome. I've agreed to participate in the show in a smaller role but the excitment about the show in general has gone. (I also auditioned for a small show on Sunday but haven't heard anything from the director so I assume I was not successful with that one too).
I've also spent the past couple of days wondering why I'm wasting my life and why nothing's changed and worrying that nothing will. I continue to fret about money, work etc. and my time just drains away and another year has passed and I'm stll no closer to getting what I want. Last night I had to remind myself that my original and biggest ambition was to sing. Even though I agressively pursued a major singing role in this recent show, singing itself (and writing to an extent) seems to have got lost among stressing, health problems, finding a new place to live, trying to get out of the red etc. Where did I go to?
I'm hoping this weekend will make up for this week. I'm being a total social butterfly and having wine* and a gossip at a friend's new flat, cinema with girls on Saturday and a dinner party on Sunday. I've also got to try to fit in a couple of flatviewings in too, so it's looking busy.
(*= yes, I don't drink wine but I will have the non-alcoholic equivilant)
Hopefully things will look up soon. This could be the long, dark winter finally taking effect, the disruption of normal life due to the freak snowstorms we've had plus I'm also waiting to hear word about my job contract this month. Fingers crossed we all get it renewed this month!
Monday, 2 February 2009
White Stuff!
I lack proper food in my flat so I may be driven to go outside and wade through the snow to the nearest corner shop. All I want to do right now is have a snooze. In my coat, scarf & boots. I'm still wearing then as it's not warm enough to go without them.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
The Glamorous Life
So I was thrown in at the deep end and had two rehearsals with the other dancers to learn the routine and during the rehearsals new bits would be added and learnt. It wasn't as daunting as I thought it would be and the professional and/or in-training dancers were friendly and helpful. On the day we got to Reading at 10am and then realised what a shambles we were getting involved in. The director and his crew were two hours late and he was giving no direction leaving it up to our choreographer to deal with the dance troupe and the extras, and my piano teacher more of less directing the whole shoot throughout the day... despite originally being asked to only find some dancers.
The actual filming itself was a lot of fun (and I burned some serious cals, always a plus!) and I'm glad of the experience but it was a long day, badly organized and come 9:30pm, having been on our feet in HEELS for the past 10 hours, our diva sides came out we gave the director 3 more minutes of out time and then promptly left to trek back to London. To be fair we had been their longer and worked harder than anyone else and I'm including some of the techy/camera guys who called up to help out just like us dancers.

I'm looking forward getting a few more hours of sleep come Saturday but even then I have two auditions to prepare for and attend (one on Saturday, one on Sunday) and another rehearsal later this week for a musical. So no rest for the wicked, however as busy as I am I feel this is the way my life should be heading right now.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
I Am...
I hurt... in the legs slightly from yoga (and bellydance) class. Has been a while since I last properly exercised.
I love... a little and could love a whole lot more if I had the chance. Ahhhhhh....
I hate... my jobs, things taking longer than expected to acomplish.
I fear... I actually try not to thing about the things I could possibly fear right now.
I hope... I get the job I applied for yesterday, find a nice place to live, that if/when I have eye surgery it goes well and I recover quickly
I regret... letting things build up, not taking better care of myself.
I cry... at soaps on TV. It's easy to set off my tears.
I care... too much about what people think and say about me. Even when I shouldn't
I always...
I feel alone... when I'm tired, bored, sleepy, hungry or need a good stretch. And I MUST wail "I'm so aloooooone" overdramatically when feeling these things.
I listen... to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" at the moment. Makes we want to put on a black leotard and dance around a white room for a bit.
I hide.... how bad things are at times.
I drive.... myself crazy sometimes.
I sing.... the Lloyds TSB advert well.
I write... crap blogs. I know I do. I need to work on that. I'm sorry.
I breathe... but only because I have too.
I miss.... feeling how I did in late 2002 and being the age I was then.
I search... for new jobs, new places to live, new classes & courses to take, auditions etc. I love the internet.
I learn....
I feel...
I know....
I say... well, SPEAK an awful lot of rubbish. Especially when I come off the coca-cola wagon (as I did last night and slag off my friends (to their faces) and tell my friend's girlfriend that I hate her. I don't, it's just my warped sense of humour and I made sure she new that. She's nice actually and I've known her for the same amount of time my friend has.
I crave.... progression. Sorting out my job & living arrangements so I'm free to enjoy things and get on with all my plans and goals.
I succeed...
I fail... at many things.
I dream... about becoming a cool, confident and positive person making great progress in her work and personal life.
I wonder.... U (Prince song)
I want... cool clothes from Fat Face and the likes, to speak Spanish & Portuguese fluently, a better singing voice, someone to have a crush on.
I worry... about a lot of things but am trying to worry less. Worry = Stress = Tiredness & Illness
I wish... I knew the things I know now back then. Would have made life so much easier.
I have... a fun and interesting collection of friends who are always great to be around.
I give... good head. (LOL, was too easy to write that one in there)
I fight.... with my little sister. I try not too. I try to get along wth her from my mum's sake but she keeps picking away at me determined to start something and won't stop until I've exploded at her.
I wait.... too long for people and then I miss out on other opportunities.
I need... money, sex and a new cornea.
The President Obama Blog
Right now I'm concentrating lots of moving out. I've made a start sorting through some of the rubbish in the flat and I'm looking a new places to live. I was very inspired after staying over at a friends place and liking her set-up so hopefully I can find something similiar. Once I've moved and settled I can begin to focus on other things, mainly having a social life, dating (no one in particular at the moment) and honing my, currently unimpressive, singing skills.
I finally made it back to Bikram yoga. which was tough, but worth it. I've cut down on the amount of crap I usually eat this week and while staying at my friend's house I discovered a tasty, healthy muesli that even *I* can easily make. I'm hoping that incorporating small changes to my routine will all mount up and benefit me in the long run. I'm determined to get healthy this year. No more colds, flu and hospital stays.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Making A Start

Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Australia (The Film)
(In brief: I rather enjoyed this film. Thought it started off a bit silly but soon settled down and was pretty and endearing film. Some exciting scenes too.)
Sunday, 11 January 2009
And that was my Saturday evening. I also saw this which was brill. I love my friends. They are a bunch of fruitloops like me. I have L.J. on email getting me through the work week with her cut-throat one-liners and insults and Ellie at weekends who always laughs at my randomness because she knows the obscure Michael Jackson fan/Saturday Night Live reference behind it. I finding everyone's company pleasurable at the moment. Maybe we're all trying harder because it's January and therefore a depressing time for most so we're putting our best face forward.
Tomorrow, after attending a playreading, I will be dining with another great friend and catching-up lots with her. I expect to draw up another plan to take over the world with as what usually happens when the two of us meet up and are both in good moods. I'm really hoping this enthusiasm for "Life in 2009" lasts throughout this year. I expect it to wear off once we have all fully settled back into life after the holiday season and realised that very little has changed. Maybe I should blog about it as much as possible now to read back on once I think life is being less than spectactular. I need hope this year and lots of it.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Resolutions, Plans & A Different Way Of Looking At Things
Sort Out Finances: Pay back money I owe friends and settle bills, get my credit card balance down and start to save again. Yes, I said on this blog many times about sorting out my money but I'm making changes to my circumstances so hopefully I can make a bit of progress on this one now.
Improve Body & Health: Eat more healthily, cut down on sugar, start exercising again, stress less. Since I finished the marathon in April I haven't been looking after myself and have been constantly sick. I'm pretty sure the eye infection wouldn't have been so severe if I hadn't spent the weeks before it barely eating and working myself into the ground. Time to get back to Bikram yoga, dance and running. I've signed up for a 10K run on February 14th which will force to me go out running again instead of just talking about it.
Performing & Confidence: Sing more this year and in public. Be more confident in my performing abilities. I will not let my lack of formal training make me feel that I can't take myself, or any opportunity that may present itself, seriously.
That's about it for now.
There are many small "resolutions" that pop into my head but they more or less fall under the three points above.
I also have the following "activities" that I want/shall do this year:
- Make jewellery
- Have a colonic
- Go to Stonehenge with L.J. for the Summer Solstice
- Get a piercing
- Get a naff bit-part in a TV drama such as Junkie #5, Prostitute #3 etc.
While I'm contemplating the year ahead I'd like to reflect on 2008 from another point of view. I received and email from a friend earlier mentioning my acomplishments last year which has made me think that perhaps it wasn't such a dismal year after all. Yes, there may have been a cloud of gloom of some sort hanging over me all the time but I have to appreciate that last year I completed a marathon, performed in 5 shows, did stage management, got to work and experience the Edinburgh Fringe Festival all while I continued to make new friends and contacts and had a lot of fun with the friends I already had. Hurrah!
Friday, 2 January 2009
Here At Last
So 2009 is finally here. Hopefully it will be a year of good suprises not bad ones. Despite the economic woes, global warming, ill-bred little fuckfaces and many other negative things I shall remain positive this year and do many weird and wonderful things. And I shall hold on to the remaining 4.5 senses I have left.
Yes, I'm full of the "New Year, New Start" cheer despite spending this morning feeling quite stressed as I had been told the Operations Manager was looking to speak to me and I feared the worst as I had just learned that a member of our team had been fired/let go this morning. However when I bumped into her later in the hallway, she had nothing more to say to me than "Happy New Year". (We think she just wanted to make sure everyone in the team actually bothered to come in to work today). So that drama over I now look forward to the weekend and the chance to start to put plans into practise.
As usual I've made about 50 New Year's resolutions so I'm going to need some time to trim the fat and decide upon a small group of something attainable. I'll report back shortly on that...